Monday, April 16, 2012

This sub culture is very related to street culture and each day is growing bigger and bigger. It have been developing attraction to many people, so much that "American Sports" registered more than 13.5 million followers to this lets call it movement. They practice skating generally on open spaces like streets, parks, or any other open space where they can find ramps or at least different ground levels where they can practice some tricks. 

This subculture has been really discriminated for several aspects. One, normally peoples point of view about these guys is that they are all gangsters maybe or they just have drugs all day. Two, they way the dress make them look like if they were impolite or dangerous people. Three people think also that the only thing they like to do is making all our streets and all our parks their space and just damage them with their graffiti stuff and their ramps, and things that occupy all the place making it impossible to cross.

As we all know there are always exceptions for every aspect of life, and this wont be the exception. There are obviously guys that damage skaters name by being or doing all what the people from outside, things like drugs or graffiti are good example of it, so these people condemn the other sportive nice guys to this legacy of "gangsters" and mean people that maybe even they hate too. So, why dont we open a little our eyes and focus on the the beauty of the sport? On how brave all the kids and guys practicing skateboarding are, what kind of people are hidden behind those big t-shirts and little jeans. This is a sport and as a sport culture too, it should be treated as one.